Thursday, December 17, 2009


Mother Earth News defines 21st century homesteading as "Self sufficiency — wherever you live. It’s about using less energy, eating wholesome local food, involving your family in the life of the community and making wiser choices that will improve the quality of life for your family, your community and the environment around you."

To me homesteading is a lifestyle of simple self-sufficiency. For years I've dreamed of building a quaint cottage and studio off the grid (solar/wind power and rain water collection system) on a 10-30 acre piece of land, growing vegetables and herbs, handmaking most of the things we need, enjoying the peacefulness of reconnecting with nature and getting back to basics. But right now I'm living in a 1200 square foot apartment in the city. I am blessed that we have natural areas within the complex and we're very close to the lake so reconnecting with nature isn't as challenging as living in the middle of a concrete jungle. But the call to the homesteading lifestyle is still there nonetheless.

I know most people dream of traveling the world and experiencing new places, but I'd rather master the "the art of being" and journey outward later. Sounds strange, I know. I guess all of the traveling in my teens and 20's has tied me over until another day (:

So...until dreams of becoming a full time homesteader occur, I've decided to create my own little apartment homestead. I'll be sharing my journey of getting back to basics by posting tips on how you can have the homestead lifestyle no matter where you live. I'll also be sharing my faith and how God has been leading in this homesteading path. I'd love to hear from you if there are any tips and tricks you'd like share. The more the merrier!!
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