Monday, June 18, 2012

Makeover Monday - Gluten Free Pizza

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Pizza is a favorite in our home and one that was a first to get a healthy makeover. Since we have gluten sensitivity/intolerance in the family, we like to keep these happy little discs of cheese as far from gluten as possible (: A simple change of the crust and the use of raw cheese was an easy fix.

In this particular application we used corn tortillas, but we also love Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust. One package makes two 12" crusts and we always substitute flax seeds for the eggs with great success. The kiddos actually prefer this crust to any restaurant or take-out pizza. Flax seed, gluten-free pizza crust is amazing!! It does get a tad bit sticky when spreading it out, but a little olive oil on your hands keeps the stickies away.

TIP: If you're using tortillas like we are today and like to load up on the toppings, stack a couple of toasted tortillas together with cheese in between for a pizza crust with some umph!

We like to make our own pizza sauce with a can of crushed tomatoes, oregano, rosemary, thyme, basil, a small onion, several cloves of garlic (or garlic powder), pepper, sea salt and a touch of honey. We like it on the chunky side, but if you prefer a smooth sauce, simply purée the ingredients together. Spread the sauce on first...

Now for the toppings! When you let the kids build their own little mini pizzas, they're more willing to add items they might not normally try. The flavor options are endless, but today we have grass-fed beef, onions, peppers and spinach. Yum!

Other topping combos we love...
  • Veggie Lovers - Onions, roasted peppers, sundried tomatoes, olives, artichokes, spinach, mushrooms, roasted garlic, shredded squash and zucchini, shredded carrots, topped with cheese.
  • Hawaiian Delight - Sausage, pineapple, onions and your favorite cheese.
  • Broccoli Forest - Ham, broccoli, onions and cheddar.
  • Greek Dream - Chicken, feta, spinach, black olives, onions and peppercinis.
  • BBQ Gal - BBQ sauce in place of tomato sauce, shredded beef or chicken, onions, pickles and swiss. Heat and then top with vinegar slaw.
  • Taco Tilt - Taco sauce in place of tomato sauce, beef, onions, olives, black beans, corn and cheese. Heat and then top with lettuce, tomatoes, shredded carrots and salsa.
  • Cheeseburger Pizza - Hamburger, red onions, diced pickles, light drizzle of mustard and ketchup and topped with cheddar. Amazing how good this one is!! 

Next is the raw cheese and we use plenty of it (; Our favorites are parmigiano reggiano, asiago, cheddar, gouda, feta and swiss. Today we're using gouda and cheddar.

Pop them in the oven until the cheese melts and everything is bubbling together...

And voilà! Gluten-free pizza in under 30 minutes without even ordering for delivery. If you keep a variety of toppings made in advance, it can take even less time. A great healthy meal you can feel good about feeding your family! Taking traditional comfort foods and giving them a healthy makeover is a simple way to provide well-balanced nutrition.

Get the kiddos involved and have some fun creating new recipes that will become family favorites for years to come. Have you performed some makeover magic in your kitchen lately?

With Gratitude,

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