Thursday, September 5, 2013

Apple Ginger Lemonade Recipe

On a shopping trip the other day, I happened across a sale on apple juice. Bottled apple juice isn't something I've purchased in while.  In fact I think it's been over 25 yrs, but when you've got a few coupons for organic 100% apple juice and those coupons make that juice free...well, needless to say it goes in the cart (;

Even though it’s not a juice we like to drink, I was sure it would come in handy with other recipes. Little did I know it would be used to create a favorite new drink recipe during a late night fridge plundering episode. Now we can’t get enough of Apple Ginger Lemonade (;

We use lemons and ginger in everything so adding it to the apple juice was a no brainer! It makes the most refreshing, cool blend of flavors to sooth the heat of the ending summer. Here’s the recipe for our yummy concoction…

       ~ crushed ice
       ~ filtered water
       ~ organic 100% apple juice
       ~ fresh ginger root
       ~ lemon wedges

Fill half of your glass with crushed ice and then add half a glass of filtered water. Now grate a nice little pile of fresh ginger on top of the ice water (ginger grates much easier when it's frozen and using a microplane for a fine grate is best so it mixes well).

Next add the juice of 2 lemon wedges (or more depending on your lemon love...2 lemon wedges equals half a small lemon in this house). Top things off with apple juice, filling the rest of the glass. Shake and enjoy!!

It’s great for the digestion, not to mention your immune system and it’s refreshing to boot!!  If you’d like to go even more natural with this drink, here are a couple more options to pack on the nutrition…

       1)  If bottled juice isn't your thing, juice your own fresh apples…skin and all!

       2)  Turn the drink into a smoothie.  Plan ahead and make frozen apple cubes.
            Chop an apple into chunks and place them in a Ziploc bag along with the
            juice of a few lemon wedges (the lemon helps to prevent browning). Then
            pop them in the freezer. Once the apples are completely frozen, place them
            in a blender along with ice, filtered water, ginger root, lemon wedges and
            voilĂ ! Instant Apple Ginger Lemonade Smoothie!!

Foods are healing and it’s so important to have a good portion of raw goodies each day. This drink (or smoothie if you prefer) is the perfect addition to any meal plan.  Here are just some of the healing benefits that these nutrient dense foods offer…

Benefits of apples: full of anti-oxidants, lowers cholesterol, keeps the heart healthy, decreases your risk of diabetes, boosts the immune system, aids in weight loss, reduces the risk of asthma, aids the liver, lowers cholesterol, prevents high blood pressure, staves off Alzheimer’s disease, helps to prevent many types of cancers, promotes hair growth, protects from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density.

Benefits of ginger: has anti-viral, anti-toxic and anti-fungal properties, helps to prevent/treat colds and flu, acts as an antihistamine to sooth allergies, the anti-inflammatory components help to treat muscular disorders caused by inflammation, calms upset stomachs, lowers blood sugar levels, relieves bloating and gas, aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, can quiet a cough, soothe a sore throat and helps with nausea, seasickness, morning sickness and motion sickness.

Benefits of lemons: antibacterial and anti-viral properties, balances the body’s PH levels, boosts the immune system, helps with weight loss, aids the digestion, is a liver cleanser, helps to fight infection, can be effective in treating acne, eases the symptoms of chills and fevers, can soothe a sore throat and can help to lower high blood pressure.

So give some apples, ginger and lemons a try and quench your summer thirst.  We're sure this new recipe will be a favorite for years to come (;

In Gratitude,

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