Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Days to a Simple Handmade Holiday {Day 1}

I love this time of year. The air is beginning to cool, the days are already becoming shorter and leaves are gradually changing into their fall display. It's when our thoughts drift to the upcoming holiday season and ways we celebrate this special time of year.

It's also a time when some set aside 31 days in October to write a blog post each day on one specific topic, a writing challenge started by home blogger Myquillyn Smith (The Nester). Since October seems to open the door to our seasonal celebrations, we wanted this year's focus to be about having a Simple Handmade Holiday.

For the last three years we've been walking a new journey of simplicity. It began by losing most of the things we owned and being homeless for the holidays. At that moment everything shifted and we were living a new that most of those around us did not understand.

We learned to live more with less, to love more by focusing on what matters most and that letting go is the key to a life filled with grace. It was a lesson in starting over that quickly turned into a gift of new that put the purpose back into living again, but in a deeper way.

And so over the next 31 Days we'll be sharing some of that journey and how simplifying forever changed the way we approach the holidays. We hope to inspire you to get rid of the stress of the season by bringing purpose back into the festivities so the emphasis can placed on what really matters most.

We'll have recipes, simple decor, handmade gift giving ideas, service opportunities, tips on planning and ways to incorporate new traditions...all with a focus on simplicity. I hope you'll join us!

In Gratitude,

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