Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days of Preparation Challenge - Day 1

This summer has been a time of solitude. Not being alone, but of searching within. As many of you know, we've had a shift at our Homesteading Cottage. Not only has our focus changed, but our business goals and everyday living as well. I'm a firm believer that there's a lesson in everything if we choose to see it, and so I've decided to listen to my heart and will use the month of October to move forward on a few things that have been put off for a while.

A dear friend knows I'm in the middle of doing things in a new way and mentioned that I should join The Nester on her 31 Days Challenge. You pick a topic and write about it everyday for the month of October. Wow - and the stars align (; Experts say it takes roughly 21 days to solidify a new habit into your routine...31 days? Even better! The perfect opportunity for what my heart is needing! I've never contributed to a 31 Days Challenge like this before so I'm pretty excited!

Our month long series will be 31 Days of to do it, how to move past those times when you want to put off what should be done today and the steps and tools that work for us. We'll discuss topics like spiritual preparation, organizing, emergency preparedness, planning ahead for the holidays, simple prep steps to help life run more smoothly and ways to get the kiddos involved.

I've found that by keeping things simple, it allows life to flow in a natural way. The unfocused part of me has always been a bit of a piler, clutter bug and procrastinator. And yes, I've experienced the "chicken-with-her-head-cut-off" syndrome on more than one occasion (well, okay...maybe more than a few occasions), but preparing ahead and having a plan has made life so much more enjoyable. I haven't perfected a complete system and still need tweaking like everyone else, but I'm still moving forward and that's really all that matters, eh? (;

I hope you'll continue to join us for our 31 Days of Preparation journey. Our second day will involve prepping our homes for the fall season and some photos of what we're doing this year.  Enter your email below and each post will automatically be delivered to your inbox. Don't forget to stop by the many other 31 Dayers for additional inspiration!
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Ÿ Day 2             Ÿ Day 8             Ÿ Day 13           Ÿ Day 18           Ÿ Day 23           Ÿ Day 28
Ÿ Day 3             Ÿ Day 9             Ÿ Day 14           Ÿ Day 19           Ÿ Day 24           Ÿ Day 29
Ÿ Day 4             Ÿ Day 10           Ÿ Day 15           Ÿ Day 20           Ÿ Day 25           Ÿ Day 30
Ÿ Day 5             Ÿ Day 11           Ÿ Day 16           Ÿ Day 21           Ÿ Day 26           Ÿ Day 31
Ÿ Day 6             Ÿ Day 12           Ÿ Day 18           Ÿ Day 1             Ÿ Day 22            Ÿ Day33

In Gratitude,

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