Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week Six Update and Valentine's Day

Over the years our holiday celebrations have evolved into more meaningful and less traditional times. Valentine's Day was no exception. With coats and scarves in hand our day was celebrated meditating by the lake as the sun set...thoughts of love, family and thankfulness for a gracious God.

This spot on the lake has always been a place of reflection for me. There's just something so soothing about watching the flow of water currents. Lingering snow speckled the landscape and beauty abounded.

We had a wonderful picnic dinner of healthy treats including grilled salmon, chicken salad, spinach tortellini, sesame kale, beet salad, coleslaw and a Jamaican brew ginger ale. Yum!

Now, the update!! This past week the focus has been on Organization and Business. Spots in the house that have been chaotic are being streamlined and I've started working on several unfinished ebooks that have been sitting on my to-do pile for the last year. I can't wait to share more about the ebooks when they're completed (: If you'd like a heads up on the release dates, simply email me and I'll be happy to add you to the list.

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