Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Embrace The Sacred In Each Moment

The last few years have taught me many great lessons, but I think the most important, and one I still have to remind myself to embrace, is finding the sacred in each moment. Life is full of unexpected surprises...ones that offer times of sheer joy and unspeakable delight and then others that resemble the turmoil of a full frontal assault. And then we have the mundane...those times when absolutely nothing seems to be happening and our hearts are aching for more. Ah, the ebb and flow of life (:

The neat thing about God is that He's always teaching and there's always something to learn if we're willing to just look. When we search for the beauty in every situation, even in the midst of destruction, it leads to a place of grace. Those times of pain, joy and "nothingness" are then transformed into something higher. We no longer see things as insignificant. Each moment, each person, each experience has worth and it opens our eyes to the plethora of possibilities around us. Instead of viewing life as a collection of things that just happen, we begin to embrace life with honor and treat our experiences as moments of a higher calling. The simple act of watching the sunset can become something powerful in an instant.

So the next time you feel like life is just happening around you, try approaching each day as a sacred encounter. What are the lessons in front of me? Is there anything to be gleaned from washing dishes, walking down a quiet path or watching the kids play in the backyard? What about the sickness that has come back or the job that was lost? Could this perspective possibly make a difference?

What if the power of grace was placed into the middle of those situations? How would things feel? How would the moments surrounding these experiences change? I can't answer those questions for anyone except myself. Looking at life this way has allowed me to let go of the past, the fear and the need to be perfect. It's given me the strength to be bold, the courage to see the beauty of what I have to offer and the freedom to be me. Give it a try and let the sacred transform your days.

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